Chili is the go to meal for a cool night. This simple recipe is easy with simple ingredients.
Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 60 min
- 2 onions
- 3 lbs ground beef
- 2 16-oz can Kidney beans
- 2 16-oz can Tomato soup
- 4 tbl chili powder
- Shortening or vegetable oil
Put one tablespoon of shortening in pot over medium heat on camp stove. Dice onions into small pieces.
Brown onions and beef thoroughly.
Drain, remove from pot and set aside.
In pot add beans and canned soup, but only add half the water required for soup.
Add beef and onions.
Add chili powder and stir thoroughly. (Add more chili to taste, but not less than 4 tbl)
Allow to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes stirring occasionally to keep from sticking. Serve with crackers or hard tack.
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