Dutch oven temps

A dutch oven is actually an oven meaning that heat is applied from both above and below. The chart is the most accurate settings for controlling the temperatures in your dutch oven. Just match the size and the desired temps and use the recommended amount of charcoal.

But be aware that charcoals will burn out over time, so if you have longer cooking times you may need to replenish the coals.

Backpack Alfredo


 This was one of those “let’s see what I can do with these” type of experiments that came out so good I had to make a lot of it! Don’t throw away food, especially those little pouches that come from take out pizza. I also keep ketchup packets, sugar packs, and salt and pepper thingies in a large zip top bag in my pantry.

NOTE: Don’t keep the ketchup too long because it doesn’t keep forever.

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